11 Last Seed, 4E203 – Solstheim

"I've just returned from Solstheim, I am not about to sail there any time soon," the captain of a barge in Windhelm shook his head at Geralt. "I've had enough of plagued bears and naked Nords, thanks," he spit into the water, emphasizing his sentiment. "I plan to enjoy naked Nords back here for a…

6 First Seed, 4E203 – The enemy of my enemy must be my friend

"This is most worrying," Caius shook his head reading the scroll that Lucien handed him. "Yes, the 'ex-prisoner' must be who you think it is, but he didn't report any attacks, so I suppose he either got lucky, or they started a bit late and switched to you very quickly. It isn't about your renegade…

4th Era, Years of Confusion

As Lena kept being pulled into portals that led her into other worlds, time progression in her life was getting more and more confusing. The years she lived seemed to run in parallel to the years passing on Nirn, which was one of the reasons she stayed away. Although many people she knew were sufficiently…

25 First Seed, 4E203 – The best things are free

"House Telvanni was never going to be easy," Azarath Salvel was saying to Hauk at dinner, watching him shake his head in disbelief. Hauk was scanning a long scroll of chores, up and down, down and up, shaking his head and getting a headache. "Forget your common sense - it will only hinder you. Just…

25 Evening Star, 4E172 – The beginning of a friendship

"That is quite an elaborate tattoo for someone as young as you," an assassin stood over a sleeping Imperial Agent. "Whaa---?" The agent turned over, slowly waking up. "Tattoo? Oh... yeah..." He muttered something incomprehensible, his tongue still thick with yesterday's mead. "You can sleep longer if you like, we're not going anywhere," the assassin…

23 Evening Star, 4E172 – A voyage ahead

Legate Oryn was feeling apprehensive. Fort Sutch was well fortified, with soldiers posted both on its outer and inner perimeter, such as it was, seeing that not much of the structure above ground remained intact. Fort Sutch was chosen exactly because it looked like yet another ancient fort ruin on the outside, even one without…

3 Frost Fall, 4E172 – An agent and an assassin

It was the year 172 of the Fourth Era and the Great War between the Thalmor Dominion and the Empire was in full swing. The elves were winning, too, but not easily. It would be several more years before that bloodshed would stop, and many would argue that despite the much touted victory of the…

2-20 Sun’s Dawn, 4E203 – An old friend

Hauk opened his eyes and jerked upright in bed, which made his head hurt violently. An old friend was sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the big bed in the Nebula Manor, and it was the last person Hauk expected to see. "Ah, finally, you're awake," the man put down the book he was reading.…

22 Evening Star, 4E202 – Azarath Salvel

"Keeping busy, I see," a hooded man in a dark robe stood over Hauk, waking him up. The bodies of bandits and smugglers that Hauk had "cleared" for the privilege of sleeping in that cave were piled up in the adjacent cavern. "You wanted a word." "I see where your son gets his habits from,"…

20 Sun’s Dusk, 4E202 – Arrival

"Come on, Nord, this ain't Skyrim!" A guard kicked Hauk in the shins trying to wake him up. "Whaaa--" Hauk groaned, turning sleepily and trying to ignore the guard. "Up, I said - up! You useless piece of..." Thud. The guard's head hit an awkwardly placed crate, putting an end to his swearing. Hauk turned…

6 Frostfall, 4E202 – Castle Vahkmaar

"Well, darling, welcome home!" Hauk was thrown down the stairs in a dingy dungeon, a cell gate lock clicked behind him. "Long time no see!" The guards' laughter was mocking. "Oh, watch yourself - don't want bruising that pretty face again." It was best not to reply, and Hauk didn't. "Here's another one," another guard…

6 Frostfall, 4E202 – Scorpion fever

"Snow, we need more snow! There's not enough snow!" Lena woke up on a beach in Southern Anequina, Hauk was tossing in his sleep next to her. His forehead felt hot. "Uh-oh," Lena shook her head. "He's coming down with a fever." Hauk was never ill. He could swim in a frozen river, then walk…

27 Hearthfire, 4E202 – Another world

"You have been very quiet ever since you told me about Scorpio" - Hauk looked at Lena at dinner. "That brought up memories, didn't it?" "Yes, but that's not what's been keeping me quiet" - she smiled at him. "I mentioned I've been to other worlds... Well, some were less pleasant than others. I've been…

13 First Seed, 4E192 – Hauk’s choice

"The meeting is at dawn. Come tonight" - Hauk read a note from Reesa. This was a clear invitation, and he followed it up. ... "Glad to see you" - Reesa smiled when he knocked on her door. "I've been waiting." Hauk entered, trying not to brush past her, although she didn't step out of…

7 Sun’s Height, 4E202 – Hauk and Lucien

Hauk knocked on the trapdoor to Lucien's fort but there was no answer. He lifted the door and peered inside, and not seeing anyone, he entered and left a note on the table. We need to talk. I'll be waiting as usual. Hauk. He walked to the main door to the fort, entered and settled…

3 Mid-Year, 4E202 – Adamus Phillida

Lena was walking around the Imperial City looking for Hauk. He wasn't at home, not at the Tiber Septim Hotel, and not at the Foaming Flask. He did mention that the Legion wanted him back on duty, but what would that mean? Perhaps she should try the Bastion. She found Hauk in the Legion Offices…

24 Sun’s Dusk, 4E201 – Bruma – Dragons

"So what do you think about Bruma?" - Lena asked Hauk at dinner the next day. They were sitting at Jerall View Inn where they ate before going back to Olav's Tap and Tack for drinks and much cheaper sleeping arrangements. "Bruma is a Nibenese town with frosty air" - Hauk replied digging into his…

17 Sun’s Dawn, 4E192 – Hauk arrives in Antaloor

Hauk was labelled a troublemaker for speaking out against limiting the types of spells available to battlemages. The new Arch Mage started by banning Necromancy and proceeded by introducing a code of conduct for the members of the Mages Guild, starting with the battlemages. Although Travis could not ban other schools of magic, he declared…

20 Sun’s Dusk, 4E201 – Hauk’s Story

"Tell me about your life in another realm" - Lena asked Hauk at dinner at the Grey Mare in Chorrol. "You mentioned something of the sort." "I spent some time in Antaloor." "And?" - Lena knew of Antaloor, although had never been there herself. It was an archipelago somewhere out in the ocean. It took…

14 Sun’s Dusk, 4E201 – Agarmir – Hauk’s house

Thoronir's prices were low but his inventory was unimpressive. Yet he was getting more and more pleased with himself, and it was getting on Lena's nerves. Ok, ok, we'll investigate! The matter turned out to be quite simple: Thoronir's supplier was a grave robber and a generally unpleasant character called Agarmir. When confronted with Agarmir's…

5 Sun’s Dusk, 4E201 – Lena and Hauk meet

Skyrim can wait. Back in Cyrodiil Lena still has a lot to do. She needs to get back her house in Bravil which got repossessed by the county under the feeble excuse that Lena had been absent for a couple of centuries. So what! She had business in the Shivering Isles - time passes differently…