“Well, now that we are in Cheydinhal, why don’t we go North” – Lena suggested at breakfast. “I’ve always wanted to explore those ruins along the Northern road to Bruma.”

“Have you been to the shrine of Azura?” – asked Hauk. “A sight to see.”

“North it is!” – chimed in Jowan with enthusiasm.

The views were so beautiful that Lena didn’t even insist on going at a run.

“For once!” – Hauk sounded relieved.

They got to the shrine of Azura – someone told Lena that the worshippers there were friendly. Well, they didn’t attack, that’s a plus.

“Do you mind – I’m trying to concentrate!” – one of them cut off Lena rather abruptly.

“Oh, Ok.” She tried another one. “Hello!”

“You are in a holy place! State your business!”


Did this go for “friendly” these days? Jowan turned around and walked off to enjoy the view of the mountains – he wasn’t that patient.

“Tell me about this shrine” – asked Lena.

“People are filled with malice and prejudice these days. I won’t speak with you unless you convince me of your good intentions” – said the worshipper, squinting in suspicion.

Lena turned around.

“Sheesh… speaking of malice and prejudice…”

No, Azura could sort out her own troubles, if that’s what her worshippers were like. There were plenty of other adventures to be had. They turned West.

“Oh look – a cave” – Jowan noticed a wooden door in a rock. “I wonder what’s inside – since there are no signs of anything here.”

They tried the door, but it was locked.

“Another one of those magic locks” – said Lena stashing away Nocturnal’s skeleton key. “Forget it – let’s move on.”

The continued along the mountain path.

“Isn’t that an Ayleid ruin up ahead?” – Hauk pointed at some pillars. “That’s more like it!”

Sedor housed ogres. Particularly large and ferocious ogres. The fighting was intense, with Jowan having to dash around to avoid getting hit – one hit by one of those ogres would definitely knock him out, if not crush his skull. Hauk took most of the crushing blows, and his armour was now dented all over again. Lena used a lot of poisons, and that was a big help, but still it wasn’t easy.

Then, when they thought they were done, an arrow came from behind and got Jowan in the neck.

“Aaww!” – he spun around. “Bandits! Where did they come from?”

“Never mind that!” – bellowed Hauk. “And now you’ll pay!” – he charged at them.

That arrow was poisoned, and Jowan was out of the game until the effects wore off. Lena pushed him into a side chamber and followed Hauk, summoning a clannfear – “Go get them!”. Finally Jowan managed to get the arrow out of his neck and clear the poison – he was ready to fight again.

A scream and a thud made him jerk, then he heard people running in panic. He ran into the hall and saw Hauk on the ground with a dagger stuck to the hilt under his arm at an angle. A puddle of blood on the floor was quickly deepening.

“They got his heart” – he thought.

The screaming continued – it was Lena going against three bandits at once, one with a warhammer…

“Not good!” – Jowan thought. “She’ll be next.”

He slit his wrist and cast a spell. Everyone fell to the ground. Time seemed to stand still.

Hauk was dead.