They got up well after midday, still feeling tired after yesterday’s long hike, most of which was uphill.

27 Evening Star

“I’m taking my horse” – Lena had enough of walking. “There’s no point in having it stabled here in Bruma.”

“Nice for some! But I’ve got to walk!” – Hauk was envious, he would have liked to ride too. “At least don’t go too fast – I’m too old for running.”

Lena shot him a disbelieving glance but didn’t try to punch him in the ribs this time, as Hauk had already put on his armour.

Hauk needn’t have fretted about the speed – the horse complained loudly when Lena nudged it to go faster down the hill. It wasn’t a mountain goat.

They got to the Imperial City by the evening, leaving the horse at the stables. After a meal at Lena’s house on the Waterfront, they decided to take an overnight express to Skingrad – Lena wanted to move some of the alchemical supplies and equipment.

The express got them to Skingrad in the dead of night, and there was nothing left to do but sleep.

28 Evening Star

The next morning Lena sorted out the things she brought over, brewed some poisons that they were getting low on, and declared that it was time they went to Anvil.

“Anvil?” – Hauk was surprised. “What on Nirn for? It’s completely out of the way of everything.”

“Yes, but last time I was there, I promised Maelona I’d look into that gang of seductive women that lure married men to a farmhouse promising them you-know-what but instead robbing them. Maelona’s husband fell for it, and lost a valuable ring – a family heirloom. Maelona asked me to try and recover it while she’d marinate her husband in guilt. I think he’s been punished enough now.”

With the look that wasn’t accepting any arguments, Lena opened the door to leave. Hauk could join her or stay behind, but she was going to Anvil. With a sigh, Hauk followed.

They didn’t take the express and Lena had left her horse behind, so they set off in their usual jog and walk fashion. They had enough provisions for several stops on the long road to Anvil.

Approaching Kvatch, they passed several dead trolls on the road – a sure sign of a Legion patrol ahead. A Legion horse was standing alone by Camp Mortal. A heavily wounded bandit attacked them as they passed – he clearly had a death wish, which they granted. They looked around for the Legionnaire or his body, but couldn’t find anything.

“Let’s hope he’s still alive somewhere under a rock” – Lena was saying over lunch. “Although I doubt it.”

As they were passing Kvatch, burnt trees were visible from far away.

“Look, they never replanted the gardens after the Oblivion Crisis. You’d think in 200 years nature would have reclaimed it naturally” – Lena was surprised. She remembered Kvatch before the Oblivion Crisis.

“No, they are keeping the trees as a reminder of the heroic past of their city” – Hauk didn’t sound convinced. “The new Count is into this modern stuff.”

They stopped at Gottshaw Inn for the night, where they met an old Legionnaire. He and Hauk sat drinking mead deep into the night – both had been through the Great War, and inevitable reminiscences followed.

29 Evening Star

The next morning Lena was up early and Hauk was up eventually. The Legionnaire was still drinking downstairs.

They reached Anvil by mid-morning. The air was warm and people were having breakfast outdoors. Gogan – the latest victim of the seductive women – was annoyed when Lena asked him for details. But Maelona must have marinated him quite well because he told the whole story.

“The most attractive Nord woman you’ve ever seen followed by an equally attractive Imperial… I’m only a man – how could I resist?”

“We should go there immediately and investigate those women” – Hauk was suddenly interested.

“Oh no, this is a job that actually requires a woman’s touch!” – Lena protested. “It’s between me and Maelona, and I’ll be doing it alone. But I need time to prepare, so feel free to go investigate them yourself – you have 24 hours.”