Sun’s Height, 4E204 – Travels beyond the Rift

"It was an arduous and annoying journey and I am glad to be back with you," Scorpio appeared out of nowhere when Lena woke up. He had been called in for pawn duty while she slept, a practice that Lena found most disturbing. "As bad as that, was it?" She got up and hugged him.…

Sun’s Height, 4E204 – Just another Arisen

"Looking for a fighter, are you, Arisen? Well then, I'm a fighter," a pawn in the Rift looked bored. "Anything in particular you're after? Or just someone to do your busy work?" "Both," Lena squinted. "I've seen your skill sheet... You'll do. The rest we'll find out in the first half a day." "The rest?"…

Hearthfire, 4E98 – A visit to Cheydinhal

Lena's misadventure in parallel worlds made her weary of any further portals. It also made her realise how much she missed her own Cyrodiil, and in particular Lucien. She had not been to Mundus since she regained a youthful form at the Mazken Wellspring, but she could not delay it forever, and why would she,…

4th Era, years 60 – 160 – The other Cyrodiil

Lena stood on the shore of the Niben Bay but there was no island in the middle of it, no portal to the Shivering Isles. And yet this was where she came from, she touched a statue somewhere and got teleported to the shore of Niben Bay. Everything looked as it should be, yet something…

4th Era, years 60 – 160 – Recovery

"Pick up the pieces and start again," Lena was sitting on the bed in her chamber at the palace in New Sheoth. She was alone. Sanguine made her promise him she would not commit suicide in his absence, and besides, suicide was one of the few things forbidden on the Shivering Isles. Dylan was at…

4th Era, years 8 – 60 – Wine and felldew

With Sanguine's arrival to the Shivering Isles life at the palace turned into a never ending party. Of course, the Manics were already leading such a life, and they received Lord Sanguine with open arms. The Demented were turning up their noses at the Manics even more, but they had their own Daedric Prince to…

Frost Fall, 4E7 – For want of a man

"I hear Mazken come as men as well as women," Lena glared at the Commander of the Mazken guard at the palace in New Sheoth. "So why do we not have any men here, among the guard?" "Men are inferior to women, My Lord," the Commander replied with a thinly masked disdain. Although it was…

Midyear, 4E1 – 4E7 – A feast to remember

People were still celebrating the end of the Oblivion Crisis, nearly a year later. Skingrad went all out on wine, with production tripling almost overnight. No one knew how they did it exactly, and no one was asking any questions. The wine was flying off the shelves as it was. Lena was spending a lot…

Evening Star, 3E437 – A new dawn

When Lena woke up in her house in Bravil, Lucien was still sleeping next to her, still holding her in his embrace. She could hardly believe what had happened, yet there he was, breathing softly into her ear, enjoying a wraith-free night, just as she had enjoyed hers. "Where do we go from here?" She…

Evening Star, 3E437 – The resolution

Lucien woke up in an unfamiliar room that looked like a sewer and smelled of blood. He tried to sit up but his abdomen was hurting too much, he took a look at his body and saw more bandages than skin. Then he remembered the Black Hand descending upon him... How he managed to cast…

Sun’s Dusk, 3E437 – All is not what it seems

Lena was galloping towards Bruma not giving her horse any rest. She got ambushed by assassins a few times along the way, but she just sped past them without stopping - she had no time for such nonsense. Lucien was in mortal danger, and all she could do was hope and pray that she wasn't…

Sun’s Dusk, 3E437 – The Black Hand

Lucien was following the man with a suspicious scroll that he received from the traitor. They were riding at full gallop across the Colovian Highlands, presumably towards Bruma. When they were passing by an unassuming cave, their horses were shot. "What?!" Lucien landed in a crouch when Shadowmere threw him off and sped away, she…

Sun’s Dusk, 3E437 – The lighthouse

The door to the basement of the Anvil lighthouse appeared to be bolted from the inside. Lena could not pick the lock, not even with magic. "It is either a magical lock or... I should wait until someone comes out." This was Lena's plan before she realised that she was being shadowed and tried to…

Sun’s Dusk, 3E437 – Time to die

Lucien's trip to Anvil some weeks previously appeared to have spurred on both the traitor and the Black Hand - attacks on Lena and Lucien became more frequent still, and the Sanctuary was being invaded again and again. The hunt was relentless. Lucien ventured another visit to the Sanctuary, this time during the day, hoping…

Frostfall, 3E437 – Cards

Lena kept receiving ridiculous amounts of mail. Everyone seemed to want to congratulate the new Champion of Cyrodiil, or to meet her, or to get acquainted, or solicit her patronage of their shop, or, or, or. She instructed the Black Horse Courier to keep back the mail in their office and not try to deliver…

Hearthfire, 3E437 – The end of an era

Mehrunes Dagon was marching onto the Imperial City. He entered Mundus - they were too late to crown the last Septim as the Emperor and the Dragonfires weren't lit. But Lena felt it was no reason to give up, and Baurus agreed - Baurus, the one Blade who didn't resent Lena her vampirism. "The Emperor…

Hearthfire, 3E437 – Survival

When Lena lifted the trapdoor to Fort Farragut and started descending the rope ladder, Lucien was bandaging his wounds. There had been an attack, the Black Hand had sent an assassin, a Silencer perhaps, judging by the skill. Lucien won, but only just. He managed to stop the bleeding, but he needed to heal before…

Midyear – Hearthfire, 3E437 – A friend in need

Lucien returned to Fort Farragut after several days on the road tracking movements of another Speaker. In the end he had to admit that it was getting him nowhere - the Speaker appeared to follow his usual schedule pretending to be a traveling merchant. "Just because he's a nasty piece of work, he doesn't have…

Midyear, 3E437 – A trap

"This contract is for an ancient vampire," Lena read a scroll she picked up from a dead drop. "It says to prepare well - this job will be difficult. There will be other vampires around, and I may have to eliminate them too before I can get to the target. This almost sounds too difficult..."…

Rain’s Hand, 3E437 – Exile

Lucien had been exiled the moment the Purification order was issued. He was one of the suspects, and as the head of the group he got all the blame. Facing the Wrath of Sithis in his sleep was a mere nuisance at first, but the wraith quickly grew in power and within a few nights…

Hearthfire, 3E436 – Rain’s Hand, 3E437 – Tenets

"I have summonned you here for a very special contract, Assassin," Lucien got up to greet Lena when she successfully made her way past the Dark Guardians of Fort Farragut reaching his private quarters. "Do you know what is Purification?" He looked at her standing there, an iron breastplate worn over fine leather trousers, soft…

First Seed, 3E434 – Rufio

The Inn of Ill Omen stood not far from the place where Lena grew up. The nearby Faregyl Inn attracted the most customers except those who had issues with Khajiit cooking and those who knew who had the better ale. "I don't know who named this inn, I bought it like that!" Manheim Maulhand would…

First Seed, 3E434 – A visitor in the dead of night

They say vampires don't sleep but that is a lie. Vampires sleep, the same as everyone else, and this one young vampire was sleeping particularly soundly, smiling to something in her sleep. "This is good," Lucien nodded to himself. "She kept her humanity." One might wonder how it was of any importance to an organisation…