When Lena lifted the trapdoor to Fort Farragut and started descending the rope ladder, Lucien was bandaging his wounds. There had been an attack, the Black Hand had sent an assassin, a Silencer perhaps, judging by the skill. Lucien won, but only just. He managed to stop the bleeding, but he needed to heal before he could do anything else. His fort had been safe so far, he could always open the gates and let the Dark Guardians enter, should the need ever arise… He would need to be watchful.

Hearing the trapdoor open made him jump. His first impulse was to cloak in chameleon and see who it was without being seen. Soft boots and leather trousers soaked in dark blood, iron breastplate… it was Lena, badly wounded as well. She looked pale like a sheet, grey even, gaunt, her eyes feverish, unseeing… She inhaled sharply and immediately started climbing up – she smelled him, of course – she was leaving. Alas, her strength failed her and she fell.

“You must leave now!” She said, her voice sounding distant and hoarse like he never heard it before. Her face and arms were covered in blood, both red and black, her neck had several cuts with dark liquid oozing out… “Leave now! I cannot hold it for much longer…” She crawled away from the ladder to give him space, leaving a trail of blood on the floor. “Stay away for half a day at least, I shall be gone by then one way or the other…”

No, he could not allow that. He hoped he had enough blood to survive, he lay down on the bed and waited.

He watched her eyes glaze over, with every human expression gone. She pulled herself up, she could not stand. She could not see either, he thought, she bumped into things that were in the way, but her senses led her directly to him. He felt a sharp pain in his neck… “They say it only hurts the first time,” he thought. “It hurts less than a dagger… and I should know.” He closed his eyes and hoped he had enough blood to survive.

It only took a few minutes and Lena released her grip, falling to the floor. Lucien rubbed his neck, he only felt slightly light-headed. He got up and went about removing blood-soaked armour from Lena’s unconscious body.

She had a lot of cuts and she was cold. He wasn’t sure whether an ice bath would do any good for a vampire and decided against it. Instead, he cleaned her wounds and prepared a healing dressing, adding a touch of lavender and motherwort, to sleep and remember nothing. He moved her to his bed and cleaned up the floor. His own wounds caught up with him by then and he too fell asleep on a rug by the fire.

Lucien’s sleep was light. He heard movement in the room, he looked up and saw Lena thrash in her sleep. “The wraith,” he thought, it had to be. He could not help her fight the wraith, but he sat next to her anyway, checking her dressings. Most wounds seemed to have closed, he replaced a few bandages, and soon Lena calmed down, the wraith defeated. It must have been hard, for her face looked grey.

“Well then, they say it only hurts the first time,” he said softly. “Shall we put it to the test? I think you need more blood.” He moved her gently and lay on the bed next to her, his neck exposed. A minute later he felt her fangs pierce his neck. “I felt it, but pain it was not,” he reflected, closing his eyes. This time he was certain he had enough blood to survive.

This feeding left Lucien weakened and sleepy, yet he still wasn’t worried – he’d experienced loss of blood before and knew that he was in no danger of dying. He wanted to get up and go back to the rug by the fire, but found himself too weak for that, with his wounds taking a toll as well. Lavender in Lena’s dressings made him sleepy, and he gave in to that, staying next to her.

He awoke several hours later realising that Lena was no longer cold as ice. She was still cold, but the air no longer froze around her. He checked her dressings, replacing a few, she was doing better. He checked his own dressings and replaced some as well. He still needed rest. He looked at the rug by the fire, shook his head and went back to bed, pulling a blanket over both of them. Lena slept without movement. “They say vampires don’t twitch in their sleep,” he looked into her face. “Perhaps. Except when they have to fight the Wrath of Sithis,” he smirked, settling down. “Sleep well, Wolf.” He put his hand on her shoulder and felt a heartbeat.

When Lucien awoke again, he found all his wounds closed and all Lena’s wounds healing nicely. She was still asleep, and he didn’t expect her to wake up considering how much lavender he put into her dressings. “She will sleep for half a day at least,” he thought. “And I should soon be going.” He did not want to be there when she woke up, he’d rather she didn’t remember what happened. He looked into her face – she was still pale… too pale, perhaps. He laid out her armour, it was damaged but not too bad, it was mostly just covered in dried blood, nothing more. A large ruby amulet dropped out of a hidden pocket. “Oh wow – that’s… I see.” He looked at her again and knew that she needed more blood if she were to survive what came next. “Come on then, let’s hope your instincts kick in…” He lay on the bed again and placed her head on his neck. She breathed in sharply and bit it without waking up.

This time Lucien couldn’t get up. He still felt he was not in danger but he certainly could not leave. He was feeling the chill of the loss of blood, so he pulled a blanket over himself and Lena in order to keep warm. She was warm, he noticed. Her heart was beating. “And they say vampires’ hearts don’t beat,” he thought. “Hers didn’t beat at first, but look at her now… I wonder…” He hugged her and fell asleep.

When Lucien woke up next, Lena was twitching in her sleep. “She’ll wake up soon,” he thought. He got up and started getting ready to leave. He took a few steps and felt dizzy, his wounds were hurting too much and he felt weak. “I am not going anywhere today,” he shook his head. “There’s only one thing for it – watch and wait.” He sat in the darkest corner of the room waiting for Lena to wake up.

He didn’t have to wait long. Soon she sat up looking around, trying to remember what had occurred. She could not smell him, there were so many other scents in the room. Lucien sat cloaked waiting for her to leave. No, she didn’t remember a thing. She got dressed, left him a note, tucked the Amulet of Kings into a hidden pocket and left for the Imperial City to crown the late Emperor’s son.

“Good luck to you, Wolf,” Lucien said when she was gone. “Hope to see you again.” He got into bed and fell asleep as both his wounds and his blood needed to heal and recover.