They say vampires don’t sleep but that is a lie. Vampires sleep, the same as everyone else, and this one young vampire was sleeping particularly soundly, smiling to something in her sleep.

“This is good,” Lucien nodded to himself. “She kept her humanity.” One might wonder how it was of any importance to an organisation of professional assassins, but Lucien was very particular about his recruits. He touched her gently to try and wake her up. “She’s cold,” he noticed. “Hasn’t fed in a while.” Again, this met with his approval. There was no shortage of beggars in Cheydinhal or elsewhere, yet this vampire chose not to touch them. “Dervera is very perceptive, she must have seen a person behind the fangs… I imagine vampires don’t often have the luxury of sleeping in a real bed at an inn.”

For a moment he was inclined to leave her sleep, he could always come back another night. But what was the point in delaying? If she were to join them, she would have a bed of her own in the Sanctuary any time she wanted it… “Or would she refuse?” He watched her for a bit longer. “Refuse to become an assassin? How many had she already killed? Just one? And that by accident as well… it was clear there’d been no intent to murder… The only reason the Night Mother even considered it, was because of her lineage.” He shook his head, thinking that perhaps they had been too quick to approach her, perhaps the Brotherhood should watch her for a bit longer. “She’s with the Mages Guild, yet she chose to sleep at an inn… I wonder why…”

At that moment Lena suddenly sat up, forcing his hand.

“You sleep rather soundly for a murderer,” he said, smiling. “That is good. For what I am about to propose, will require a certain detachment on your part.”

The surprise and incomprehension on Lena’s face were both amusing and common, and Lucien smiled again, thinking of other similar reactions. He wondered how this young Breton would react once she learned who he was and why he came.

“My name is Lucien Lachance and I am here with a proposition for you to join our organisation. We are assassins.”

Antoinette Marie had jumped for joy, then couldn’t stop talking about all the great murders she had committed, including that of the rat terrorising the cheese larder… Lucien almost came to regret ever talking to her. Taelendril on the other hand tried to kill him where he stood, and even almost succeeded in wounding him, then stopped immediately when she realised what he had to propose. Gogron… Gogron said nothing, just stood there with his mouth open, it took a while until he could believe what he was hearing… then he couldn’t be more eager to join. But what about this new girl? How would she react?

Lena said nothing. She stood up from the bed, facing Lucien. His scent was making her blood boil, she hadn’t fed in days. His robe hang loosely around his neck, the hood not covering much… Yet it wasn’t his vein that caught her attention, but his eyes… Dark brown, almost black, looking at her with kindness and interest, smiling in the corners, as if he knew her already… Her heart fluttered. It wasn’t a heartbeat yet, but it was enough to make her dizzy…

“…we are assassins,” she finally heard, as if from far away. “My name is Lucien Lachance,” her memory told her.

“She is confused,” Lucien thought, watching Lena’s expression. “Perhaps it is only natural. I did wake her up.” He gave her a few moments to recover, then spoke again.

“I see I startled you, I apologise,” he smiled again. “It is a tradition to visit new recruits at night. We prefer not to make our movements public.”

Lena’s dizziness had passed. She took a small step towards Lucien and now stood close enough to feel the warmth of his body without touching him. His scent… she would never forget that. She wanted to ask something… but her mouth felt dry, her tongue wouldn’t turn, she was famished, yes, but it wasn’t that… she didn’t know what she was feeling, other than warmth… Her heart fluttered again.

“You prefer silence then,” Lucien continued after a few moments. “That’s just as well. Allow me to explain my visit. I am here to offer you to join our family, to join the Dark Brotherhood. We believe you have what it takes to become one of us. This is a virgin blade,” he put an ebony dagger on the nightstand before Lena. “If you are to join us, kill Rufio at the Inn of Ill Omen. I shall visit you after that and explain the rest.”

Lena looked at the dagger, then returned her eyes to Lucien’s face. He was still smiling, but his glance became searching, may be even with a slight doubt peeking through… Lena nodded and smiled to him, she still could not speak, she breathed in sharply, that scent… it wasn’t just the scent of warm blood… that particular scent, both bitter and sweet at once…

“Shall we say – a week?” Lucien touched the dagger. “If you don’t kill him within a week, I shall understand that you don’t wish to join us. You will then never see me again.”

“What?!” Lena wanted to scream, but no sound came out. Never see him again… never again breathe in that scent..! Pain, sharp as an arrow, went through her heart. She looked up, it must have reflected on her face, because Lucien took a step forward and was now looking at her with worry.

“And they say vampires have no emotions,” he thought, smirking to himself. “Why, this girl is in turmoil! Whatever the reason for that… she does look a lot like her mother… but there’s more… that fire is new.” He watched her for a short while, then continued.

“And if you are worried about being a vampire, then don’t,” he tried to sound reassuring. “We have other vampires among us, it isn’t a problem as such.” Lena seemed to be calming down. “If you choose to join us… you will be joining my group. We are a family and you will be most welcome. If you are anything like your mother was… and I think that you are… you will feel right at home.”

At the mention of her mother Lena looked up, a question in her eyes.

“Oh yes, I knew your mother,” Lucien nodded. “Not very well, but I remember her. She… did remarkable things,” he chuckled, not wishing to go into any detail of what those things had been. “But this is not why I am here. My offer is to you on your own merit.”

Lucien was standing so close to Lena, his robe almost brushed against hers. She felt the warmth of his body in a stark contrast to the cold of her own, it was like standing next to a fire… she hoped she wouldn’t get burned… and even if she did, singed fingertips were worth toasted marshmallows any day… She closed her eyes for a moment, savouring the warmth, her nostrils flared, breathing in his scent again, so much stronger, now that he stood so close. Who was it that she needed to kill? Rufio something? She would not need a week.

She opened her eyes, her mind made up. She smiled and nodded, still not able to speak. They stood for a few moments, looking into each other’s eyes.

“This isn’t just another recruit,” Lucien thought. “This one is special… How old is she? Sixteen? Seventeen? But a fledgling, in every sense, all alone in this world, with her grandmother gone. She’s with the Mages of course, they sense she’s special… but they don’t know the history, we do. The Night Mother was right… I wonder why Arquen objected..? Bellamont seemed to be pleased, on the other hand… in particular when the Night Mother gave her to me… why, he nearly jumped for joy… how odd…”

Lena was getting dizzy again, more and more so with every breath she took. Her heart fluttered more and more, she pressed a hand to her chest and sat down on the bed, not wanting to faint then and there. Lucien moved to steady her, then took a step back.

“I think I shall see you again soon,” he smiled. “Remember – it’s Rufio at the Inn of Ill Omen. You know it, I trust? It’s hard to forget an inn with such a name…” He grinned.

Lena nodded and smiled, he nodded back, making sure she was alright.

“Goodbye, child of Sithis.” He snapped his fingers cloaking in chameleon, the door opened and closed and Lena heard his light footsteps on the stairs. His scent still linguered in the room, she inhaled it again and again… her heart gave another jolt… and then she had a heartbeat for the first time since that awful night when she turned. It wasn’t true that vampires’ hearts didn’t beat. All it took was some warmth…